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From another forum Is it true?

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From another forum Is it true?

Postby geeves » Mon May 25, 2015 5:03 pm

This came to me via a different 4wd forum. Is it true moving a modified vehicle from one state to another causes big headaches?

"Earlier this year I sold my wonderful and trusty old 60 series via the EO Classifieds. It went to a reader from the Wagga area. He phoned me last night about a problem he is having registering it in NSW. Pure madness. I had replaced the OE seats wit a pair of very comfortable Honda buckets. The job was done by the leading and very well known company in Adelaide that does this sort of thing. It cost around $1000 for the install and engineering certification. The registration branch in NSW insists that the seats be taken out and original seats fitted before it can be registered. They agree that the seats I had were fitted at an excellent standard and comply with engineering requirements. It doesn't matter however as according to the regs the job has to be done in NSW. Nothing else counts!! I have no doubt at all the seats as fitted in Adelaide are a better, stronger, safer job than the original seat installation.
The new owner is quite P'd off by this, not with me, and he is very happy with the vehicle. But he sure isn't happy with the NSW regs.
This is total madness. I mean, whats the point of living in a Federation when we have stuff like this on the statute books? If I had a few hundred thousand to spare I would engage legal representation to take it to the High Court as a clear example of a hindrance to interstate trade. Hindering interstate trade is illegal under our constitution.
I wont identify the new owner, but as an EO reader, he might see this and add a few well chosen comments of his own."
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Re: From another forum Is it true?

Postby MrRevhead » Tue May 26, 2015 11:47 am

It's true each state has different rules around modifications, and the vehicle has to apply to the rules of the sate it's registered in. So I can see how this can happen when you (stupidly) have quite different rules from state to state.
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Re: From another forum Is it true?

Postby geeves » Tue May 26, 2015 3:06 pm

so modified vehicles cant move australia wide?

Maybe we need to create a list of 4wd mods on a state by state basis thereby creating a mod list which is ok in any state
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