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FAQ - Towhooks

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FAQ - Towhooks

Postby geeves » Thu May 21, 2009 7:09 pm

Just after some ideas on what you have done to put recovery hooks on your MU?
Mine had the standard two MU hooks both front and rear went to do a 4WD course on the weekend and worked out the front hook was missing .I hit a kangaroo a few months back and i think that the smash repairer decided my 4wd works better without a front recovery hook and has left it off.

Getting towhooks right is such an important topic that you should ask as many questions as you deem necessary.
Remember that snatch recovery is very dangerous as you are playing with very large forces and all the gear is rated as breaking strain not safe working strain like lifting gear. Your 8000kg strop would only be allowed to lift 1300kg if certified for lifting.It is also designed to stretch like a rubber band. This stretch is why it works but also makes it a very dangerous tool. A google search on "snatch recovery accidents" should show the damage that can occur.
Shackles are not recommended for snatching They can become deadly missiles if anything breaks.Tow balls are even worse. The best way

There is a good guide on fitting towhooks at
http://performanceunlimited.com/documen ... guide.html

In the above guide I would replace the washers with a piece of 5mm thick plate drilled to take the bolts on both sides
But if you are at all unsure talk to the safety officer at your local 4wd club or an engineer that knows 4wds.
Sanding your knuckles before starting work can help. That way you cant skin them
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