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converting Rodeo diesel to petrol motor?

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converting Rodeo diesel to petrol motor?

Postby Justdfy » Tue Apr 05, 2022 5:02 pm

Hi. I live in Victoria Australia, actually on back of my 2005 RA Rodeo, in my homemade camper.

Pending my joining Club Isuzu being approved, I'll leap in now and ask for advice on doing an ENGINE SWAP, in the Rodeo, which has the standard 4JHI 3L diesel.

The diesel motor is fine.

However, for a few reasons, I see it worth at first, asking about swapping the diesel donk out for a petrol, maybe an LS1 or similar motor.

But, all things considered, as in how "fossil fuels" are being phased out, so even petrol possibly has a limited lifespan, it seems that people have to weigh all options in their vehicular transport, etc.

Looking at say, the next decade, and beyond.

I personally see, perhaps 'know', that most hype about EV's has fallacies in it.

Mainly if people are, and have to, consider sum-totals of production to end-user environmental costs.

So? Other options?

How really "alternative" are folks here in your "Club Isuzu"?

I'm talking converting petrol engines to run on Hydrogen.

FREE Hydrogen what's more!

Big call?

Sure. That's life in the 2020s and beyond.

And sure, big oil are not on the back foot, come to shutting down production, and or converting to producing clean energy fuels.

They still do "orrible fings" to people who dare challenge their dominance of markets etc.

But, bad for the planet is bad for the planet.

So if options exist, then some of us, have the responsibility to find them, etc.

The more who do, the better the future will be.

Apologies if this looks "political", it's logical common sense, to me.


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Re: converting Rodeo diesel to petrol motor?

Postby geeves » Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:23 am

Good question. EV is a good option for smaller cars and those driven around town as long as the electricity used is from green sources and providing they solve the battery recycling and production of some raw materials. We are on the right track but not there yet. Bigger vehicles charging time becomes an issue especially if you want good range. Imagine converting your ute to ev and putting enough batteries for a 1000km range with a trailer on the back. It could be done but it would take a week to charge the batteries especially if you lived in the outback with a poor electricity feed. Hydrogen can be made to run in a diesle as easily as a petrol engine but once again range is an issue if using a high pressure tank but a cryogenic tank solves this and liquid hydrogen works better in a diesel. Still today most hydrogen is produced from natural gas. Electrolysis of the required amount is still not there yet. Biofuels are todays best bet. Australia and NZ have big milk and meat industries and the wast from that would go a long way to a cheap sustainable diesel alternative. The milk byproducts can also make ethanol for petrol engines. The one thing that must not be done is grow food crops for fuel. America makes most of its bioethanol fuel from corn which barely makes more ethanol than the fossil fuels used in its production.
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